>Insurance Quotes Health
> Top 3 posts for you on Google+ this week
Posted on Friday, November 30, 2012
by Insurance Quotes Health
Hi nanang! Here are the top 3 posts for you on Google+ this week. |  |
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 | We're only 16 hours into the first day of the Humble THQ Bundle and we've already hit a record-breaking $2 million in sales! That's a heck of a lot of bundles for charity and games! http://www.humblebundle.comHas anyone marathoned through any of the games yet? :) |
 | New Public CircleThis is a public circle of people that would like to be circulated in order to discover new people with similar interest and to gain more followers, if you would like to be included please follow these steps. 1. Follow/Add our page(this is needed in order for us to add you to the circle). 2. Share the circle publicly. 3. (Optional) if you would like to be include in a more specialized circle click on this link http://goo.gl/MDVitN ote: If you share this circle, you can ... Circles . shared a circle with you. |
 | The EU spends some 40% of its budget on agriculture, an industry that generates less than 2% of GDP and employs less than 5% of the workforce. No other group of workers gets such coddling. Steel, coal and shipyard workers lost their jobs en masse when uncompetitive industries slimmed down; car workers are now following suit. Yet rural peasants must be preserved http://econ.st/SyuncA |
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